

The night falls.
Bringing cold that bites.
Your tears just freeze your eye lids shut.
And your mouth closed.
With no voice you cannot cry out.
But do not lose all hope.
For there is no such thing as no hope.
Nor false hope.
Hope is always rising.
Hope is open arms willing to hold 
   and able to comfort.
Because, behind them is someone who loves you.
And love is always uplifting.
Giving you wings to soar up above it all.
You will shoot straight through the sun.
Bringing the fire that fuels you.
Igniting the inferno that will never burn out.
You will melt.
You will rise again.
Go ahead, breathe the life in.
Spread your arms.
Breathe the life in again.
Your strength returns.
As the Mighty Rushing Wind lifts you.
You are alive!
As you were meant to be.
Don't be afraid to live.
Don't be afraid to face your foes.
You will not be alone.
There is a Spirit in you giving you power.
And when you crash and burn.
There will be saving grace.
There will be great healing.
There will be great comfort as you heal.
Know that with you always is an unfailing love.
Boundless and expansive.
So fear not as you walk through the dark valley.
Someone goes before you.
Someone walks with you.
Someone is just two steps behind you.
Someone watches over you always.
You are never alone in anything.
And when the night falls again...
Know that too rises the dawn.
Hold onto the hope that is carrying you.
That hope will never let you down.
You are a light that will outshine
  the darkest of any dark.
A flame that will burn out the coldest of cold.
So, you are assured.
God's grace and love will forever cover you,
   keeping you from all harm.
Who would dare come against you now?



I'd love to know what you think of this poem.