

I can hear You on the wind.
Your voice is a whisper in my heart.
You give my soul breath.
In You I find purpose.
A reason for my being.
I stand, I fall.
I laugh, I cry.
I look, I can see You.
I feel Your touch on me.
Burning away all my scars.
Your presence is intoxicating.
I am infected.
I take You in.
I feel oh so alive.
Your breath is life complete.
Your beauty surpasses all before
  and after You.
My voice cries out to You.
Will You come close to me?
Here is my heart.
I trust in you wholly.
I believe in You solely.
You are all and everything.
None is above You.
Oh, fall down on me.
Oh, shine down on me.
Oh, cover me, hide me.
Plant in me love.
Grow in me love.
You are love in me.
You are greatness defined.
You everything defined.
You are the sum of everything.
The heart of everything.
Please take me as I am.
Absorb me.
Rain on me.
Saturate me.
I give who I am to You.
I give what I am to You.
All is for You.
A blood sacrifice.
Set me aflame.
Explode me.
Come for me.
Take me.
Lift me.
Hold me above everything.
As I fall into You.
Once again...this time forever...

Scott David Buckley-(12/07/2012)

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