

Please hold me.
I'm so scared.
My heart is heavy tonight.
Oh, how my soul aches.
My mind, well, it just doesn't understand.
All these bags I carry weigh me down.
I'm not strong enough to go on.
Please hold me.
I am so very weary.
Living my life takes too much out of me.
I don't want to any more.
I don't see the point.
Why am I here?
What is my life for?
Please hold me.
Let me lay my head upon Your shoulder.
Turn Your ear to me.
Put Your hand in mine.
Will You just listen to me?
No one listens to me.
No one understands.
Please hold me.
Will You always hold me close?
Will You always hold me up?
Will You never let me down?
Because everyone else has.
Everyone has lied to me.
Everyone has betrayed me.
Please hold me.
I am all alone.
I know only despair.
I have little to no hope left.
I can't take all this any more.
Can I trust You?
Can I believe You won't forget me as 
  everyone has?
Please hold me.
Please just hold me.


1 comment:

  1. It's hard enough as it is trying to live, but it's damn near impossible when you are hurting and aching. And everything is making you not want to live any more. With everything, it's hard to trust, and hard to believe.
    But Jesus is always there, holding you, even though you might not feel Him. He will always hold you, He will never let you down.


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